I love baking and always feel badly that my vegan daughter can't eat a lot of what I make. She and I worked together to come up with this chocolate-peanut...
A great recipe I came up with in my head after making a red wine velvet cake for my dad on Father's Day. Drizzle the cooled cookies with a white chocolate...
Do you have tons of leftover Halloween candy bars to get rid of? You can use pretty much any chocolate candy bar: Snickers®, Milky Way®, Heath®, Almond...
Two decadent things I love love love to get this time of year are white chocolate peppermint mochas (just a sip gets me singing a Christmas song) and peppermint...
This egg-free chocolate skillet cookie topped with crushed candy canes and a sugary glaze requires no rolling or scooping--it bakes up in a skillet into...
These are the absolute favorite dessert of my boyfriend and all his friends. No tailgate, party or even dinner is complete without these gooey, peanut...
This is a recipe I developed on Mother's Day! My mum was actually out of town at the time, but I came up with the recipe with the plan to serve them to...
Soft, chocolate puffs with real marshmallows inside ... covered in sugar. They stay moist if you keep them in a cookie can with cellophane, cutting off...
These mouth watering, moist and chocolaty bars were always the first to disappear off my mom's holiday goodie platter. With a sweet meringue topping, these...
Chocolate cookies rolled in confectioner's sugar. We have called these 'Ahortas' after a 'being' in the original Star Trek series -- can you tell how long...
If you have a craving for chocolate this is the recipe. My sister and I came up with us when we were young girls and craving a lot of chocolate one night....
This is a super-rich and delicious cookie bar recipe. It is always a favorite at parties and dinners--especially among true chocolate lovers! It's also...